PID Espresso Machine, DE1
The DE1 was co-designed by Brad Larsen and John Buckman to replace an espresso machine called the ZPM. The brand needed to stand apart from ZPM or the “Mr Coffee” look so inspirations were taken from professional espresso machines that have the group head extending from the body. This lowered the profile allowing for a tablet on top. As home espresso machines tend to tip over when tightening, a handle to the body. This is the only espresso machine with this innovation. The machine can boil water and steam milk while maintaining case temperatures acceptable to UL. Three initial prototypes were built with a 200-part BOM. All functioned as planned and were demonstrated in many places around the world. This machine is produced in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong.
Electro Mechanical Design for U/UE compliance. Hong Kong factory

Software can be written with clever safety measures but UL will not accept them. Brad Larsen was the liaison to UL Hong Kong to make sure electro mechanical design was in compliance.

Early DE1 Espresso machine

Short run production at Brad Larsen’s prototype shop in Seattle

CNC, sheet metal, hydraulic, functional prototype

CNC, sheet metal, hydraulic, functional prototype

Espresso Machine prototype shop built by Brad Larsen in Hong Kong

Integration of mechanical and electrical parts

Water distribution manifold prototype with Hydraulics and solenoids

Original product design by Brad Larsen 3D rendering
Front Lower View

Original product design by Brad Larsen 3D rendering
Front Upper View

Original product design by Brad Larsen 3D rendering
Side View